8-bit USB Microcontroller based on the PIC RISC architecture.
Max CPU operating frequency: 24MHz
EPROM Program Memory: 8k words
RAM: 256B
* Power-on Reset (POR)
* Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
* Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation
* Brown-out detection circuitry for Brown-out Reset (BOR)
* Programmable code-protection
* Power saving SLEEP mode
* Selectable oscillator options
- EC - External clock (24 MHz)
- E4 - External clock with PLL (6 MHz)
- HS - Crystal/Resonator (24 MHz)
- H4 - Crystal/Resonator with PLL (6 MHz)
* Processor clock of 24 MHz derived from 6 MHz crystal or resonator
* Fully static low-power, high-speed CMOS
* In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
* Operating voltage range
- 4.35 to 5.25V
* High Sink/Source Current 25/25 mA
* Wide temperature range
- Industrial (-40°C - 85°C)
* Low-power consumption:
- ~ 16 mA @ 5V, 24 MHz
- 100 µA typical standby current
* Universal Serial Bus (USB 1.1)
- Soft attach/detach
* 64 bytes of USB dual port RAM
* 22 I/O pins:
- Individual direction control
- 1 high voltage open drain (RA4)
- 8 PORTB pins with:
-- Interrupt-on-change control (RB<7:4> only)
-- Weak pull-up control
- 3 pins dedicated to USB
* Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit prescaler
* Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler can be incremented during SLEEP via external crystal/clock
* Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, prescaler and postscaler
* 2 Capture, Compare and PWM modules
- Capture is 16-bit, max. resolution is 10.4 ns
- Compare is 16-bit, max. resolution is 167 ns
- PWM maximum resolution is 10-bit
* 8-bit multi-channel Analog-to-Digital converter
* Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/SCI)
Max CPU operating frequency: 24MHz
EPROM Program Memory: 8k words
RAM: 256B
* Power-on Reset (POR)
* Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST)
* Watchdog Timer (WDT) with its own on-chip RC oscillator for reliable operation
* Brown-out detection circuitry for Brown-out Reset (BOR)
* Programmable code-protection
* Power saving SLEEP mode
* Selectable oscillator options
- EC - External clock (24 MHz)
- E4 - External clock with PLL (6 MHz)
- HS - Crystal/Resonator (24 MHz)
- H4 - Crystal/Resonator with PLL (6 MHz)
* Processor clock of 24 MHz derived from 6 MHz crystal or resonator
* Fully static low-power, high-speed CMOS
* In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
* Operating voltage range
- 4.35 to 5.25V
* High Sink/Source Current 25/25 mA
* Wide temperature range
- Industrial (-40°C - 85°C)
* Low-power consumption:
- ~ 16 mA @ 5V, 24 MHz
- 100 µA typical standby current
* Universal Serial Bus (USB 1.1)
- Soft attach/detach
* 64 bytes of USB dual port RAM
* 22 I/O pins:
- Individual direction control
- 1 high voltage open drain (RA4)
- 8 PORTB pins with:
-- Interrupt-on-change control (RB<7:4> only)
-- Weak pull-up control
- 3 pins dedicated to USB
* Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit prescaler
* Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler can be incremented during SLEEP via external crystal/clock
* Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register, prescaler and postscaler
* 2 Capture, Compare and PWM modules
- Capture is 16-bit, max. resolution is 10.4 ns
- Compare is 16-bit, max. resolution is 167 ns
- PWM maximum resolution is 10-bit
* 8-bit multi-channel Analog-to-Digital converter
* Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART/SCI)