THERMO Click is an accessory board in mikroBUS form factor. It features MAX31855K thermocouple-to-digital converter as well as PCC-SMP connector for K-type thermocouple probes. The MAX31855K has temperature range between -270 and 1372°C with sensitivity of about 41µV/°C. It has built-in 14-bit ADC converter. THERMO Click communicates with target board via SPI interface (Read-only). The board is designed to use 3.3V power supply only. It has a LED diode (GREEN) that indicates the presence of power supply.
Cold-Junction Compensation
14-Bit, 0.25°C Resolution
Simple SPI-Compatible Interface (Read-Only)
Detects Thermocouple Shorts to GND or VCC
On-board PCC-SMP connector for K-type thermocouple probes
Cold-Junction Compensation
14-Bit, 0.25°C Resolution
Simple SPI-Compatible Interface (Read-Only)
Detects Thermocouple Shorts to GND or VCC
On-board PCC-SMP connector for K-type thermocouple probes