Product description
Microcontroller based on the AVR RISC architecture.
Max CPU operating frequency: 10MHz
Flash: 2kB RAM: 128B
* One 8-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler
* One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler, Compare, Capture Modes and 8-, 9-, or 10-bit PWM
* On-chip Analog Comparator
* Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-chip Oscillator
* SPI Serial Interface for In-System Programming
* Full Duplex UART
* Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes
* Operating Voltages: 4.0 - 6.0V
* Temperature Range: Industrial (-40° to +85°C)
Max CPU operating frequency: 10MHz
Flash: 2kB RAM: 128B
* One 8-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler
* One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler, Compare, Capture Modes and 8-, 9-, or 10-bit PWM
* On-chip Analog Comparator
* Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-chip Oscillator
* SPI Serial Interface for In-System Programming
* Full Duplex UART
* Low-power Idle and Power-down Modes
* Operating Voltages: 4.0 - 6.0V
* Temperature Range: Industrial (-40° to +85°C)