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Voltage regulator universal EK023

Art no: 41016709 - Electrokit
Shop this product, Voltage regulator universal EK023
price 29 SEK
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Product description


Product description

EK023 is a universal kit for all 78-series positive voltage regulators. The board has patterns for both the smaller TO-92 and the larger TO-220. The kit includes 10uF and 0.1uF capacitors for stability and low noise operation. Either screw terminals, pin headers or wires can be attached to the input and output. For low current operation and small voltage difference between input and output, the regulators can work without a heatsink. For heavier loads or large Vin/Vout difference, a heatsink should be used.

  • Supply voltage: min. 2V over rated output

  • Maximum current: 100mA (78Lxx) / 1000mA (78xx)

  • Dimensions: 12.7 x 35.6mm

Please observe that this kit does NOT include the voltage regulator! Add a compatible regulator for the desired output voltage to your cart separately. See recommended products.

Product information

  • SKU:

  • MPN:


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